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People think trading wins require a degree from a big shot ivy + years of experience on Wall Street, but we’ll show you just how untrue that is. We’ve uncovered the secrets to set up a guaranteed stream of constant gains, and we’re going to show you how in under a week

Day 1: The Mindset of an Intelligent Trader

($697 VALUE)

On Day 1, we unpack the most powerful law in the universe: what you see and expect for yourself directly determines the success you’re able to achieve. Our favorite quote to sum it up is, “For a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” You *have* to learn how to embody your vision and master your mindset so you act in accordance with it to fulfil your objectives.

We help you develop a consistent, unshakeable mindset that is rooted in potential instead of fear. We’ll equip you with all the vital daily practices to establish so you can sustain it and an intimate, encouraging community to hold you accountable and uplift you along the way. 

Day 2: The Top 1% - What The Top 1% Of Successful Traders Do That Others Don't 

($497 VALUE)

Day 2 is truth bomb day. The biggest being the secret that sets apart all great traders from those who will spend their whole lives trying to scratch the surface of being good. It might shock you. If you’ve been making those mistakes, it might even hurt to find out what you’ve been missing. Either way, there’s no time like the present to learn.

We interviewed 176 traders from broke to those making over 10K+ a month in PROFITS...the results will surprise you. Once you master a few vital concepts, you can set up your workflow to generate thousands of dollars each month in a few short hours.

The rest of the day? Yours, for whatever you please.

Day 3: The Emotional Management of Consistent Trader

($497 VALUE)

On Day 3, we teach you a key lesson that’s applicable in every area of life, but extremely so in options - giving yourself grace. Emotional intelligence can make or break your chances of success. The only people who can stick at it long enough to see the big wins are the ones who have mastered the art of self compassion and focused execution.

We’ll show you what that looks like in practice and how to check in with yourself to make sure you’re attuned to your needs. This is the most important ingredient to ensure you always move with your end goal in sight, not letting any loss keep you down or any win make you complacent. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme - it requires constant diligence, growth, and a deep emotional fortitude to sustain all the ups and downs along the way. But one thing’s certain: if you can stick it out, you’ll be prosperous.

Day 4: The Strategies of a Tactical Trader

($497 VALUE)

We spent years working hard, not smart, and once we uncovered a couple of hidden truths it seemed to change overnight. Suddenly, our systems did the work for us. Instead of hours wasted scrounging every corner of the market looking for a win, the wins were neatly delivered to us, wrapped in a bow. All we had to do was make the plays and watch the money roll in.

We couldn’t believe that years of pain and thousands of dollars down the drain could so quickly become thousands of dollars bombarding our bank account. Day 4 is when we divulge secrets that changed everything for us, so you can skip the struggle and reap the rewards.

Day 5: The Profit-Taking Techniques of Hyper-Profitable Trader

($797 VALUE)

Most people lose because they’re just going off their gut with no real clarity as to when to buy, sell and hold. What if there was a system you can use with a proven track record of 5 star accuracy when predicting trades?

What if this tool was made available to you with the framework and set ups that yield us the most profits and give us an edge in the market?
Well that's what Day 5 is about. Taking profits and locking in the cash.


($997 VALUE)

VIP Special Access - Get every burning question answered in an exclusive Q&A each day
  • BONUS #1: Ultimate Options Snipers Guide
  • ​BONUS #2: Founders Traders Vault: 6 full 8 hour recordings of live trading via Zoom where you can see how we look at the market and take trades with our founding members
  • ​BONUS #3: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth


General Admission


$97 ONLY

  • 5 Days of Top Level Training to Set Up 5 figure monthly income
  • BONUS #1: Access to the Private Options Snipers Academy Facebook Group
  • BONUS #2: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth
6:00PM - 7:30PM EST


$197 ONLY

  • ***VIP Special Access*** - Get every burning question answered in an EXCLUSIVE Q&A each day
  • ​BONUS #1: Ultimate Options Snipers Guide
  • ​BONUS #2: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth
  • ​BONUS #3: Access to the private Options Snipers Academy Facebook Group
  • ​Everything from General Admission

General Admission

5 Days of Top Level Training to Set Up 5 figure monthly income
BONUS #1: Access to the Private Options Snipers Academy Facebook Group
BONUS #2: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth
***VIP Special Access*** - Get every burning question answered in an EXCLUSIVE Q&A each day
​​​BONUS #3: Ultimate Options Snipers Guide
More VIP Perks!


$97 Today!

The VIP Experience

5 Days of Top Level Training to Set Up 5 figure monthly income
BONUS #1: Access to the Private Options Snipers Academy Facebook Group
BONUS #2: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth
***VIP Special Access*** - Get every burning question answered in an EXCLUSIVE Q&A each day
​​​BONUS #3: Ultimate Options Snipers Guide
More VIP Perks!


$197 Today!

The Platinum Ticket

5 Days of Top Level Training to Set Up 5 figure monthly income
BONUS #1: Access to the Private Options Snipers Academy Facebook Group
BONUS #2: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth
***VIP Special Access*** - Get every burning question answered in an EXCLUSIVE Q&A each day
​​​BONUS #3: Ultimate Options Snipers Guide
More VIP Perks!
Immediate Access To Self-Pace Program
➥ Access To The Exclusive Options Snipers Facebook group 
➥ Bonus Kickoff/Meet & Greet Session with Options Snipers Team 
Guaranteed Q&A


$997 Today!


Michel McDonald


Gary Perry


Bruce Haywood


Guest Speaker: 
His consulting has seen clients experience exponential growth and skyrocket straight to the 8 figure realm. His specialty is empowering students so they can use skills they already have to utilize their passion into profit that creates wealth. He is a best selling author, songwriter, has a record label, martial arts black belt and international speaker and trainer of 27 years. His brilliance will help 5 Figure Profit students start to dream about what’s possible with all this new income, and begin the process of growing your gains into long term wealth.

Who We Are And 
Why Should You Listen To Us?

We’re a group of traders who’ve been in it together since day 1, sure that the 9-5s we were stuck in at the time weren’t our full potential. That there was something more for us, a future where we could build beyond just working from paycheck to paycheck.

Bound by our desire to create wealth that would see future generations changing the tide of our family histories, we tried everything we could....

We spent *years* pouring our money down the drain following the advice of courses we bought that were made by people who just wanted to profit without giving away real truths. 

We considered giving up.

Thought maybe it was just a get rich quick fad that never amounted to anything for everyday people like us.
But then one day, we threw the old methods out the door and welcomed in a bit of uncertainty, taking a chance on some eccentric methods for trading.

And that was our winning ticket. We stumbled onto a goldmine of knowledge that allowed us to go from working 18+ hours a day to making more than we made in a year in a short amount of time.

We thought maybe it was a hack, but the wins kept coming in, and growing, and we knew we were onto something massive.

We vowed then that we’d never let anyone else be led down a rabbithole of fake “guru” advice and waste all the time and money we did.

There’s enough wealth to go around. If more people succeed, it doesn’t make us succeed any less.
So now it’s our mission to make sure we *all* succeed. We’re for the people.

We’re living proof that getting to the top doesn’t have to be an endless grind that zaps away all your life force before you make it there.

If you have the right mindset, knowledge and systems, what we’ve all hustled so hard for can be ours, and it can be easy.

And we’re seeing it happen for our students, too.

We’ve had a newbie make $6,200 just 2 days after joining our program. Someone else made $2,200 in just their first day. We’ve even seen a profit of $1,700 in ten minutes alone.

And our record for 24 hours? $250,000.

And we’re just getting started…

It’s time for wealth to shift back into the hands of those who will use it generously, who will feed it back into their local economies, spend it at ma and pa shops, send checks to their family if they’re ever in a tough spot.



Make The Right Moves To Grow Your Profits 
In As Little As 5 Days
Let us take you by the hand and make it easy for you to…
  • Learn everything you need to know about options trading from trends, key phrases, setup, automation and so much more
  • Find a support community who are in the trenches right next to you and can help you navigate the wild west of trading
  • Get on top of your mindset once and for all and build habits that will make success inevitable
  • ​Stop worrying about if you’re ever gonna get a big win and replace that fear with a track record of success
  • ​Hand over the hard work to robots so all you need to do is check alerts each day and watch the cash roll in
  • ​Build generational wealth that will change the entire course of history for your family
  • R​eclaim your time, energy, passion and purpose
  • ​Allow you to set up a life in full alignment with your vision
  • ​... and Much, MUCH More!

Over 300+ Happy Students Reviews

I'm enjoying this group so much. I can't even thank you guys enough for what I've learned.
Everything completely change when came to Options Snipers.

Every since I joined the community, I've leveled up my understanding of options trading.


  • 5 Days of Top Level Training to Set Up 5 figure monthly income
  • Access to an intimate Facebook community determined to see you succeed
  • ​BONUS #1: Access to the Private Options Snipers Academy Facebook Group
  • Bonus #2: Mystery Guest & Bonus Day 6: Turning Profits Into Wealth
  • Bonus #3 (VIP ONLY): Ultimate Options Snipers Guide
  • ​Bonus #4 (VIP ONLY): Founders Traders Vault: 6 full 8 hour recordings of live trading via Zoom where you can see how we look at the market and take trades with our founding members
  • Q&A Special Access (​VIP ONLY) - Get every burning question answered in an exclusive Q&A each day
  • ​​More VIP Perks!
  • ​Immediate Access To Self-Pace Program (PLATINUM ONLY)
  • ​Access To The Exclusive Options Snipers Facebook group (PLATINUM ONLY)
  • Bonus Kickoff/Meet & Greet Session with Options Snipers Team (PLATINUM ONLY)
5 Days Of Support, Education And Mindset Work To Unlock Options Secrets That Bring More Consistent Profits Than Ever Before. The Freedom To Create The Life Of Your Dreams. Generational Wealth To Change The Course Of Your Family’s Entire History. 


“This group is filled with amazing individuals that are supportive, funny as hell, information and treat you like family ❤️ that type of energy is a blessing. 

Thank you guys for creating a safe space for people to learn and make money while having fun 👍🏿”


 So needless to say. This was the best decision I ever made and I am so close to building the financial future I deserve.... THANK YOU OPTIONS SNIPERS!!!!”


“WHERE DO I BEGIN!? This is more than just a family, we pray together, we grind together but most importantly we eat TOGETHER! The admins are EXTREMELY interactive daily ! No one gets left behind here - this is HOME! The consistent gains are just mind blowing. Thank you admins for creating a platform with SO much information, and LOVE! So much info that it makes me dizzy! More blessings to us all and may the Lord continue to do his work!”

All Your Questions Answered

 Q1. How do you know this will work for me?
If you're a new or experienced options trader the support, encouragement, and teaching of the Option Snipers community are unparalleled. The admins give you everything you need to succeed to become an independent trader, but also give you AI Bots & Scripts, AI Alerts & call outs, AI & Manual swing trades, and even day trades you can profit on depending on your style of trading. If you're looking to explode your options profits and build long-term wealth this program and community were made for YOU!
 Q2. Why does it cost this much?
Relative to what gurus & universities charge for this information, bots, and skillset NOT specifically designed to give you step-by-step real-time guidance to make profitable trades, this program is incredibly affordable. With the Options Snipers Academy system, your first trade profitable A.I. trade would more than cover the cost of the investment. The admins have taken everything they have learned since they started trading 4 years ago and have given you exactly what you need and have excluded what you don't!
 Q3: Can I do this with a day job?
Absolutely! Most of our snipers still work a full-time job and trade on the side, building side income and some full-time income with their trading. It's designed for you to go at your own pace.
 Q4: What if I’ve done these challenges before and they don’t get completed/I didn’t get results with them?
The admins have made 100% sure that this program is the absolute best on the market. In fact, before putting it together, we used everything we learned from mentors & blowing $20k+ in masterminds and courses to only extract information that was useful and add it to this program to give you the best results! Our mission is to restore the profits back to options trading by cutting out all the fluff and guru talk and leveraging the power of AI . We only give directions on things that worked over and over again.
 Q5: What kind of support do I get in this challenge?
Option Snipers hosts Live Daily trading and coaching calls every single day. You also get access to our Private Facebook community with like-minded traders of all levels to help guide you along your journey! Admins are very active, responsive, and approachable in the Private group as well!
 Q6: Am I too young/old for this?
The program was made for option traders of all age groups. The material is explained in such a way a toddler can benefit from it, while remaining sophisticated enough for an elder to stay captivated! It's never too late to start, and there's no better time than now!
 Q8: Do I get one-on-one access to the admins personally?
Every single day, you have access to the admins in the private Facebook community. Plus, you can chat with the admins live on the daily training call if you're a VIP member.
This group “Options Snipers” is for educational and entertainment purposes. We do not force ANY investments or trades and you are to use your own due diligence when investing/trading. Results are not guaranteed. Past experiences are not indicative of future results. Always invest/trade with an amount that you are comfortable with losing and that will NOT jeopardize yours or someone else’s financial well-being. “Options Snipers” is not a financial or investment firm and all “signals” are to be used knowing they may or may not be accurate.
Copyrights 2023 | options snipers university | TERMS & CONDITIONS